At first glance, Amagi Souta seems like an ordinary high school student. He was dating his childhood friend, Aoyama Chiharu, but one day during a holiday, he happened to witness Chiharu entering a love hotel with Akagi-senpai, a senior at the same school.
Later, while Souta was consumed by despair, he was approached by Shirasaki Kanae, a classmate of his and a member of the nationally famous idol group ‘Luminous Stars.’ When Souta confided in Kanae about being cheated on, Kanae advised him that it would be best to break up with Chiharu.
The next day, when Souta told Chiharu that he wanted to break up, Kanae started showing affection towards him, surprisingly acting sweet and affectionate for some reason. Eventually, Chiharu realized Souta’s true worth and regretted the breakup. Meanwhile, Akagi-senpai, who had stolen Chiharu away, unknowingly began to descend into a life of ruin.