Kuzu no Osananajimi Chapter 85 My Last Responsibility as a Mother Zeus Web Novel Translations

My Last Responsibility as a Mother

“Takeshi…please think about your position carefully?”

The reason why Hana-san, who is a weak-minded mother, can stay strong.

Because she has reason to believe that Takeshi will not give up in this situation.

This guy wouldn’t go on a rampage if he knew it would benefit him. He’s a person who hates to lose money…He’s so weird that he’s been able to live his life without anyone criticizing him, even though he’s been arrogant.

People close to Takeshi were often troubled by his nature…but this time I took advantage of it and discussed the idea of controlling Takeshi.

“If you touch us, I will report you to the police. I will tell them everything that happened, without any hint of a cover-up. I will also tell them that it is out of my control. I don’t think it will go as far as juvenile detention…but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to live in this house as before.”


Takeshi clicked his tongue in displeasure at Hana-san’s words.

This guy is not stupid. So he would know what could happen to him.

“If the police get involved, I will not help you. Of course, I’m sure you can get the right help through the public process. But if that happens…you will no longer be a normal high school student. Please keep that in mind.”

Actually, we don’t even know what will happen.

If Hana-san complains that she can’t handle it, she may be instructed to take proper responsibility because she is a parent. But there is also the possibility that she won’t.

And since he hurts me so much that I’m injured, this violence will probably be seen as a problem. Besides, if he raises his hands against Hana-san and Ichika, then…it won’t be easy for Takeshi.

Well, nobody here knows what will happen…but at least it is certain that Hana-san will not take Takeshi’s side. It is also unlikely that the situation will be favorable to Takeshi only.

“But if you are mature enough, I will help you with living expenses and tuition. I will also give you a place to live. I will promise you my identity as your guardian…Think about it calmly? That means you will live alone. And in an environment where you don’t have to work as long as you don’t have any luxuries.”

The only difference from before is that Hana-san and Ichika will not be with him.

Other than that, Takeshi can lead the same life as before.

“Ichika and I will take responsibility for your attack on Takumi-kun. We will also ask him not to report it to the police…Then think about it. Whether you will point that fist at us or not.”

Hana-san’s eyes were fixed on Takeshi’s hand as she said this.

Just when I thought he was being extremely cautious, I saw his fists clenched tightly. It was as if he was preparing to strike at any moment.

“There is only a little more than a year left before you become an adult. When you go to college, don’t you want to live a normal life for another five years? At that age, you’ll be able to manage your finances and your life on your own.”

I think this is the maximum responsibility Hana-san can take.

Until Takeshi becomes an adult, she will not let him feel inconvenienced in his daily life——her determination is clearly shown.

“Takeshi…this is Mom’s last request. I want you to be a normal child, at least on the surface. Please…I don’t want to make you unhappy.”

If he raises his hand here, Takeshi will certainly not be able to be normal.

Since we have no choice but to report the incident, the school will probably treat him as a student who committed a violent incident, and in the future…I’m sure this case will haunt him.

This would make it difficult for Takeshi to be happy.

No matter how reformed he may be…

Hana-san hopes.

She hopes that one day Takeshi will realize his mistake and take the right path.

She wants to give him a chance to be truly happy.

…As for me, I suggested that I report it and let the police handle it.

Unfortunately, Hana-san refused.

So, Takeshi.. you should be grateful to Hana-san.

I was going to turn you in to the police——


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