Kuzu no Osananajimi Chapter 84 The Connection Zeus Web Novel Translations

The Connection

It all started when Takeshi and Kaori had an affair.

But that was not the only reason for this situation. The affair was only a trigger.

That incident made Hana-san and Ichika distrust Takeshi even more, but there is always the beginning of their problems.

There is something missing from Takeshi.

Hana-san and Ichika turned a blind eye because they were always trying to take care of “the family”.

The result of their efforts is that he has become spoiled and corrupt.

They can no longer accept Takeshi as family.

Because Takeshi has become a person who hurts others without a care in the world.

If things continue like this, Takeshi will not only hurt me but many others as well. The problem is that human nature makes it easy to imagine such a future.

So I think that the reason the two of them gave up here…in a sense, even love.

(With Takeshi now, they can’t even stay together as a family.)

I felt like they were sending me a message.

They could have left Takeshi separately and disappeared somewhere far away.

They could have left without saying anything. But I think the reason they didn’t was because of their last love for Takeshi.

I wonder what Takeshi thinks?

If he were a normal person, he would think about it. He would be depressed, reevaluate himself, and correct the path of his life so that they could forgive him one day.

If I were in Takeshi’s shoes, I would probably do the same thing.

But…first of all, if he was capable of self-reflection, they would never have given up.

In the end, Hana-san and Ichika’s love is nothing but a waste.

“…You’ve got to be kidding me.”

See, this is it.

He probably realized that no matter how hard he tried, Hana-san and Ichika would not be on his side.

So the sad look he had on his face a moment ago, as if he was trying to gain sympathy, instantly turned into an expression of anger.

“I’ve apologized and tried to make amends…but don’t just say whatever you want. Damn it!”

Saying that Takeshi glared at Hana-san and Ichika.

The two of them stiffened at his glare, which should not be directed at family members and which oozed terrible anger…or even murderous intent.


“…Takeshi. If you get any more violent, I’ll call the police.”

However, Hana-san still stood her ground against Takeshi.

Maybe she was trying to protect Ichika, who was totally scared, and then me, who was injured on the ground…Even though her body was shaking, she didn’t take her eyes off Takeshi.

Takeshi stared even harder…at Hana-san.

Hana-san on the other hand is watching Takeshi’s every move.

“Damn. Fucking hag…don’t get carried away, okay? If you call the cops, I’m sure they’ll hold you accountable for your parenting, right?”

“I’ll make sure to comply then. (I couldn’t control my son and let him hurt a neighbor’s kid.) Then I wonder what will happen…when I tell them that and I can’t take you back, where will you live?”

“What was that? Are you threatening to put me in an institution? You’re a terrible parent.”

“Yes. My son is so cruel that I would let that happen.”

Selling and buying words.

There is no affection in their exchange.

They no longer see each other as family.

Even though they weren’t related by blood…the bond that was once strong seems to have been severed——


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