Kuzu no Osananajimi Chapter 83 Unforgivable Things Zeus Web Novel Translations

Unforgivable Things

No matter what he says, Hana-san will not budge.

Because she is already disgusted with Takeshi’s behavior so far.

It seems he sensed this, so his eyes wandered…and then this time——he focused on Ichika.

“Yes, Ichika…you don’t like it either, do you? You will leave this house, you know? Our family will be destroyed…So, please tell mom. You feel sorry for me, don’t you?”

When it comes to involving Ichika, who has been silent for a long time——I think this guy only thinks about himself.

Maybe it’s because he doesn’t feel guilty about scaring her that he can talk to her so casually.

But even Ichika…has her own thoughts about Takeshi.

“…I agree. I really don’t want my family to be destroyed or to leave this house. I also feel sorry for you, brother…But more than that, I can’t forgive you.”

She is also angry.

She is angry because someone she loves the most has been hurt.

“I wish Mom wouldn’t say that to you. But brother…if you had just acted normally, you wouldn’t have hurt Mom. You wouldn’t have hurt her so much. Brother is such an idiot. If you hadn’t done that…we would have been able to eat Mom’s cooking as usual by now. But because of you, brother, everything was ruined.”

Maybe even more than Hana-san.

Ichika despises Takeshi.

“Hey, brother…why didn’t you just be a normal ‘Brother’ (Onii-chan)? I wanted you to be kind ‘Takeshi-nii’ like you used to be…Ever since you called ‘Mom’ (Ofukuro) and made me call you ‘Brother’ (Aniki), you’ve been acting weird.”

…I see. Actually, I was a little wondering about the way Ichika called Takeshi, but I finally figured it out.

She was right, when she was little, she used to call Takeshi “Takeshi-nii”. But when we met again, she called him Takeshi “Brother” (Aniki).

It’s not like Ichika, a little rough way of calling him…

I’m sure Takeshi was just embarrassed and forced her to change the way she called him. I don’t even know if calling him “Takeshi-nii” was Ichika’s way of expressing her affection and friendliness.

“Why did you act so strangely? Why did you…put your hand on Takumi’s girlfriend? Why did you hurt——Takumi-nii so much? I will never forgive you!”

The “important” person to Ichika.

That is, of course, her mother, Hana-san…and If I’m self-conscious, it seems to include me as well.

“Besides, brother knew, didn’t you? You didn’t forget that I loved Takumi-nii, did you? …and yet you told me to back off. I also know that you helped Takumi-nii go out with her first love…and that you tried to keep him away from me by not taking my side!”

…Apparently, Ichika was more of a victim of Takeshi than I thought.

It wasn’t just her own will that kept her away from me.

But there was Takeshi’s intervention too.

From Ichika’s point of view, she might have wanted Takeshi to be on her side.

Because for Ichika, I was her “first love”.

“That’s because I was…thinking about you. You have the looks to go out with someone much better than Takumi. It’s a waste if it’s Takumi, so I thought for your sake…”

“…I really didn’t like it. You were always forcing strange things on me, saying you were ‘thinking about me’. Like my clothes, my gestures, my hobbies…That’s enough! I’m not your property. Don’t try to make me do what you want!”

To Hana-san, Takeshi is a child. That’s why he felt so special.

But to Ichika, Takeshi is just her brother. Besides, they are not related by blood, and because of their…close age, the presence of this guy might have been quite strange.

“I’m scared, brother…I’m so scared. I’m scared in so many ways. I don’t understand. Even though we were family, I’ve never understood what that means. But I forced it, it’s okay…I just want to protect Mom. As long as mom doesn’t get hurt, that’s the best thing.”

Ichika will never forgive him.

More than Hana-san…she rejected Takeshi——


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