Kuzu no Osananajimi Chapter 80 Things That Are Broken Zeus Web Novel Translations

Things That Are Broken

It’s scary when someone who doesn’t normally get angry gets angry.

This is often said, and I think it is true.

It is natural because they are not used to being angry. So they don’t know how much to take, and they tend to overdo it.

I’m the same way. When I get angry, I forget myself.

Then…Hana-san also seems unable to control herself.

“——I like sincere people. I like simple, serious, normal, kind people who don’t hurt others. But you…How can I like you, an abnormal, violent person who is dishonest, rude, unserious, has no common sense, and always hurts people?”

One by one, her dissatisfaction with Takeshi overflows.

Seeing Hana-san like this, Takeshi seems to have finally felt a sense of crisis.

He had been acting defiant until just now, but she seemed to have realized that Hana-san was not giving in as usual, and in fact, he realized that he was making her even angrier.

“Oh, hey. Mom…what are you talking about? There’s no need to get so angry, right? I understand. I apologize. I’m apologizing to you, so just be cool…okay?”

This time he looked apologetic, as if to make amends.

I think he is a pathetic human being. This guy has never apologized to anybody. Even when he apologizes superficially, he never really feels sorry.

So Takeshi does not know how to apologize.

Just like Hana-san does not know how to get angry.

…If they were not even mother and son, they would be the worst of human compatibility.

They probably shouldn’t be together in the first place.

“…You’re so bossy, aren’t you? Apologize? Be cool? You talk like you are superior to me. I really don’t like the fact that you subconsciously look down on others like that.”

“It’s not like that. I’m sorry…Look, I’m sorry, so just calm down, okay?”

“Stop it…Stop acting like you only give in when I get emotional. You remind me of that person.”

Normally he is high-handed…but when Hana-san gets angry, he changes his attitude.

It was the typical behavior of DV. (Zeus: Domestic Violence.)

In the past, Hana-san might have been fooled by that.

But now there’s no way she could be fooled by a trick like that.

“I’m sick of it, Takeshi…You remind me of that man. That’s why I can’t do it anymore. The bigger you get, the more you resemble that man——I can’t…I can’t take care of you anymore. I’m afraid of you. I don’t want anything to do with you. So please…don’t sully my memory of Takeshi anymore.”

And she finally said that.

Hana-san’s true feelings were conveyed to Takeshi.

It is not a temporary feeling.

Basically, it means she couldn’t love him anymore.

(Don’t sully my memories of Takeshi.)

These words, sounding like…separate the Takeshi of today from the Takeshi of when he was a child.

She must have…really loved him.

There is no doubt that she loved Takeshi as a child as if he were her own son, even though they were not related by blood.

But now…

“From now on, live as you wish. You always told me, (Don’t treat me like a child. It’s disgusting,) (Don’t tie me down,) and (Leave your child alone.)…This is good for you. From now on, you can spend your free time on your own.”

You can’t get it back now.

Once the love was lost…the broken family bond…was broken beyond repair——


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