Kuzu no Osananajimi Chapter 78 The Love of a Mother Who Tried to Save Her Son Even If She Had to Put Her Hands on Him Is Now—— Zeus Web Novel Translations

The Love of a Mother Who Tried to Save Her Son Even If She Had to Put Her Hands on Him Is Now——

Hana-san is always kind.

She rarely got angry, and even when she did, it was always out of consideration for the other person.

I always felt Hana-san’s love.

Whether she was talking to me, Ichika…or Takeshi, Hana-san’s voice was very soft and calm.

She is a warm person. She has a gentle personality and is a kind person who never fights with others.

Because Hana-san is such a person, I found her voice, which is now cold as ice, frightening.


Ichika, who was taking care of me, held her breath in fear…she was holding a handkerchief to my bleeding nose, but her hand was shaking. It was as if she was afraid of a side of her mother she’d never seen before.

I was surprised too because I never thought I would see Hana-san like that.

Is this what Hana-san looks like when she is really angry?

“Takeshi…you haven’t forgotten that I told you exactly how I was hurt by your father, the kind of suffering he gave me and the kind of pain I felt, have you?”

“…damn! Shut up, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

“It does matter. You committed the ‘violence’ that I hate more than anything right now, right? I don’t know what you two were fighting about. Maybe there were words that were unforgivable to you…but that doesn’t mean you could easily hurt someone else.”

This is no longer a sermon.

This is not a scolding for Takeshi’s sake.

It’s just a declaration.

Hana-san is now telling Takeshi her feelings.

“Didn’t mom…slap me too?”

“Yes. I did, I admit I put my hand on you. But I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t want to hurt you…I just wanted my feelings to reach you. I wanted to save Takeshi…even if it meant doing something I hated.”

Maybe Takeshi knows that this is a cry from Hana-san’s heart.

Unusually, he listens quietly. And his expression looks a bit uncomfortable.

He must feel it.

As for Hana-san’s strange behavior…I know she is about to tell him something.

Hana-san continued her words to Takeshi.

“I feel so sorry now. I’m ashamed of myself for hurting you…I should have just given up. It’s my fault for expecting Takeshi to repent. So I’m sorry. I’m really sorry for hitting you.”

“…What the hell is that?”

“An apology…I know you can’t do the same, but I apologize when I do something wrong. Sorry, I’m a pathetic mother who raises her hand.”

Hana-san’s expression never changed.

She remained expressionless…and nonchalantly, then she suddenly mumbled.

“——As an apology, I will stop being your parent.”

She bowed her head deeply.

But there was no emotion in her voice.

Hana-san seems to be emotionless…no longer feeling anything about her separation from Takeshi.


Takeshi was stunned.

He opened his mouth wide, rolled his eyes, and looked at Hana-san dumbfounded.

Still, Hana-san remained cold.

“From now on, you will live on your own. I will no longer be your parent, but I will be your guardian, and I will provide you with minimal support until you reach the age of majority. I will also pay your living expenses and school fees. I will also give you all the money I have saved up until now. With this, I will end your parenthood.”

Without listening to Takeshi’s opinion.

She told him what she was going to do one-sidedly as if she had already made up her mind.

Takeshi, on the other hand, was still stunned.


As if at a loss for words, he just stared at Kana-san without saying anything——


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