Kuzu no Osananajimi Chapter 77 That Person I Hate Zeus Web Novel Translations

That Person I Hate

Surprisingly, the sound of people hitting others is not that loud.

However, the sound of me falling down and Takeshi’s rampage echoed loudly, so they seemed to take that as a signal.

“——!? Ta, Takeshi! Stop it now!!!”

“Takumi-nii…? Ta, Takumi-nii…blood. So much blood!?”

At first, Hana-san and Ichika, who came in through the front door, looked a little stunned. But they must have been shocked because my current situation was worse than our previous discussion…and they were panicking now.

“Noisy! I can’t forgive this guy. I’ll kill him…I’ll definitely kill him!!!”

But Takeshi doesn’t seem to stop with just words.

Even though Hana-san and Ichika saw him, his anger didn’t seem to stop at all.

He raised his fist to hit me even harder…but his fist never came down.

“I told you to stop!?”


Because Hana-san was holding onto Takeshi’s fist.

Also, Ichika jumped to protect me and got between me and Takeshi, which created a distance between me and Takeshi.

“Tsk! Get out of the way!”

As expected, Takeshi probably won’t be able to beat up his mother and sister.

He tried hard to shake off Hana-san, and he also tried to push Ichika away, but it didn’t seem to work because the two of them were so desperate.

“Ambulance…Mom, we have to call an ambulance.”

“…You’re losing a lot of blood. Are you still conscious?”

Ichika seems confused at the sight of the blood.

But Hana-san, what I should say, is indeed a mother…As soon as she realized it was an emergency, she calmed down and tried to check on me.

Thanks to her, I think I can talk.

“I…I’m conscious. But I’m not sure about my condition…”

I wonder if it’s because of the bleeding in my mouth. Every time I say a word, I feel pain. My whole face was hot, and when I touched it unconsciously, it was slippery…I must be bleeding more than I thought.

“Not me, Hana-san…!?”

At least it doesn’t sound like I need an ambulance right away.

Then, for now——please do something about Takeshi, Hana-san.

I looked at Hana-san, who still seemed calm.

I was worried that she might not get the message, but Hana-san was looking right at me.

“…I’ll take care of you later.”

Hana-san whispered in a low voice and then shifted her gaze to Takeshi.

As we had discussed before…

“Takeshi. What are you doing…!”

“Shut up. This has nothing to do with Mother. That guy said something totally unforgivable. That’s why I hit him…That’s all.”


“Huh? Why do I have to apologize?”

“Just apologize!”

“I said it wasn’t my fault.”

“Takeshi! Why are you…?”

But no, no, no.

This is not the plan we discussed earlier.

There was no need to make Takeshi apologize…but Hana-san probably can’t forgive Takeshi that much.

“…You look just like that person now!!!”

Those words are the coldest I’ve ever heard.

“You look just like your father…the person I hate so much!!!”

It was a cold…cold voice that was not like Hana-san’s, a voice that sent chills down my spine just listening to it, a voice that was devoid of emotion——


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