Netorare Kokuō Chapter 2 Unusual Netorare Scene (2) Zeus Web Novel Translations

Unusual Netorare Scene (2)

Mina picked up the scabbard and pulled out the sword.

In the dark bedroom, the blade and Mina’s naked body glowed pale white.

The air in the bedroom had changed completely. There was nothing but the smell of the beast.

Mina mounted Isaac and raised her sword high into the air.

There was nothing in her purple, glowing eyes but the lust of the beast.

A shiver ran through Isaac’s body.

(Wait a minute….)

Without even having time to wonder if he should raise his voice, Queen Mina plunged her sword deep into King Isaac’s belly.


As he groans in pain and opens his eyes, he sees Mina’s face, covered in Isaac’s blood, smiling with joy.


Isaac raises his arm to block the sword.

But Mina deflects it and stabs Isaac again.

The third pierced his right lung. The fourth cut his throat. From then on, it was all about her selflessness.

With each thrust, Mina’s pleasure increased, and her eyes turned more purple.

The bedroom was filled with the smell of the beast.

“Haha-Haha, I did it… Finally, Isssaaaaccccc!!! Hahaha!!!”

Lovecraft, laughing wildly, pushed Mina down on top of Isaac.


The roar that Mina let out no longer sounded human.

On top of Isaac, who was sinking into a pool of blood, Mina madly held Isaac’s face, which was turning blue, purple, and cold, and tried to bite his lips off.


In ecstasy, Mina picks up her sword again and stabs Isaac repeatedly while laughing.

The beasts’ loud laughter echoes in the bedroom, so far beyond the reach of human light.

(How did this happen….)

Isaac was able to maintain consciousness despite the severe pain of the stabbing.

The dying Isaac stared blankly at his wife, who was being held by another man.

(What the hell is wrong with this woman?)

Mina, her white skin stained with blood, her shiny blonde hair disheveled, and her eyes glowing purple, as she was devoured by the man.

The woman who is supposed to be the queen looks like a monster.

Lovecraft lets out a particularly high-pitched roar, and Mina’s sensuality reaches its peak.


With an enchanting cry that could be a scream, a shriek, or a song, Mina pierces Isaac’s heart, ending in a spray of blood.

(This is really bad!!!)

Unable to resist, Isaac tried to bite down on his back teeth, but he held on tightly, knowing it was too soon.

His consciousness quickly faded.

As his eyes went blind, Lovecraft and Mina sank limp and motionless into the bed, which was now a pool of blood.

As he watched, Isaac used the last of his strength to bite down on his upper back teeth and swallow them….

“Ah, I thought I was going to die.”

Ten minutes later,

Isaac stood by his bed, stunned at the state of his transformed bedroom.

There was not a wall or ceiling in the bedroom that was not wet with Isaac’s blood.

The bedroom, filled with the smell of the beast, was like a cage for the ravenous beast.

The bed was literally a sea of blood.

In the pool of blood, Queen Mina’s white, naked body was exposed as she slept peacefully and quietly.

Isaac wrapped his arms around his own body.

The wounds Mina had caused were all closed.

His heart was still beating.

It seemed that the tiger cub’s super-healing medicine in his back teeth had worked.

“What should I do now?”

Isaac scratched his hair.

Common sense would dictate that Mina and Lovecraft be killed along with their family for adultery and murdering the King.

But this is the King’s bedroom. This is the innermost part of the royal castle.

In places like this, white often becomes black, and black becomes iridescent.

There is no clear law or justice.

There is only the balance of the power game.

And Isaac, the king, has no real power. He has no popularity.

If Mina says it is white, it is white, even if Isaac says it is black.

Even if he shows them the scene of the crime, as long as Isaac is alive and well, they will pretend that nothing happened.

No, even if Isaac were dead, they would still pretend that nothing happened.

Just like Isaac did.

In the same way, they cannot pretend that nothing happened.

Isaac is still alive, even though he should have been killed.

Of course, he will be killed again soon.

Then there is only one option. He had no choice but to run.

He looked out and saw that the darkness at the edge of the mountain was fading.

Summer nights were short. He’d better hurry.

Isaac took off his tattered, torn, blood-stained nightgown, threw away his underwear, and searched for alternative clothing.

At that moment, Mina, who had been asleep in bed, staggered awake.


Isaac panicked. If Mina found him, he would not be able to escape.

Grabbing only his black phone and his tattered sword from his desk, Isaac ran naked to the window.

Seeing his presence, Mina turned around in surprise.


As soon as her voice reached him, Isaac broke through the window and jumped out.

Mina also rushed to the window and leaned out.

But Isaac’s figure and presence had already disappeared beyond the dawning darkness.

“…This is the 8th floor?”

Mina muttered in dismay.

A cold summer wind blew through Mina’s bloodstained body.

Mina could not suppress the shiver that boiled over her.


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