Jinsei Gyakuten Chapter 191 Theft Zeus Web Novel Translations


Takayanagi’s PoV

Tachibana had become so limp that she couldn’t move without the support of her body.

In another room, a first-year student named Hayashi was being interrogated. She seems to be taking it well, and reports of her testimony come to me in the form of notes.

[A horrible man who attacks his own girlfriend has no human rights. This is the most scandalous incident since the beginning of the Literature Club, so I must erase his existence.]

[I will erase his entire existence. Everyone, please cooperate.]

As the manager, she incited the members in this way.

If this testimony is passed on to Matsuda-san and the other members of the club, I believe that corroborating evidence will come out of the Literature Club like a dam bursting.

“Is there any excuse?”

Just to be sure, I will check. But Tachibana-san looked down and just mumbled and mumbled, unable to answer.

“I see. Aono-kun’s parents have filed a police report for theft and property damage. You and your literature club will be punished both socially and academically. Do you understand, Tachibana-san?”

Tachibana, who was in a complete mental breakdown, finally reacted to these words.

She moved her head and started shaking.

“No way. That’s a lie.”

As expected, Tachibana also looked shocked because she had to undergo the punishment.

“Unfortunately. I’ve told you many times. Bullying is a crime.”

“No, no. I would never make a mistake. My plan was perfect…”

Ironically, it was just a high school student’s plan. When things get this big and the police get involved…

An ill-conceived criminal scheme becomes just a kid’s joke.

As a teacher, it’s my job to teach her the seriousness of her crime.

“Why did you plan this? Wasn’t it none other than Tachibana-san who had the highest regard for Aono-kun’s talent?”

After all, the motive for the crime was that she was jealous of Aono-kun’s novel talent.


She didn’t say anything. Do not covet your neighbor’s house. This is one of the Ten Commandments of Moses. Jealousy increases human wickedness and destroys people. It is a harmful drug that can be the source of theft, bullying, murder, and other serious crimes. Even adults can’t control it well, so how about an immature high school student…

If she could have recognized Aono-kun’s talent in a healthy way, she could have been his greatest and the first person to understand him. Then she could have developed her own talent as well. Maybe she was blinded by the prodigy, Aono, an irregular genius. But indeed, Tachibana-san’s talent was also quite high for her age.

“Tachibana-san, let me tell you something for the future. It would be impossible not to be jealous. But never do anything to hurt others out of jealousy. If you do, you will be denying your own efforts and talents. Why did you do something to deny your past? That’s a shame.”

What you want to say must be said properly. Even if you know the words will never reach them.

“Talent? No, no, no. I know nothing. I don’t know anything. I don’t know anything about any of this. Lie; I’m not lying. No, no, no, no!!! This is all because of the soccer club and Matsuda-san’s outburst!!!”

Thus ends the never-ending dialog.

Ai’s PoV

I was waiting for Hayashi-san to come out of the infirmary.

This is the complete end.

Using Kuroi’s connections, I obtained Kondo’s SNS, which had been restored by specialists, and gave it to the school. The plan of the remnants of the soccer club to attack Ikenobu Eri was foiled. They are now in police custody. All of Manager Tachibana’s misdeeds were made public thanks to Hayashi-san’s courage.

Hayashi-san helped me with my plan. When I told her the whole story, she said, “I want to fight for Eiji-senpai too”.

So I dared to leave her alone and waited for manager Tachibana to contact her.

But I still couldn’t stop feeling self-loathing.

It was Hayashi-san’s courage to work with me. But I continued to feel the shadow of regret and guilt in my mind for forcing myself to involve her.

No matter how much I hid in a place where I could help her immediately…

She came out of the infirmary and smiled at me as if relieved to see me.

I hugged her skinny body.

“I’m fine; I wasn’t hurt; Sensei was kind; and thanks to Ichijo-san, I finally found the courage to fight back. If you hadn’t pushed me, I probably would have regretted it for a long time. Thank you.”

She guessed everything about me, who said nothing, and said kind words to me. I almost cried and took advantage of her kindness.

“Our positions are now reversed.”

When I said this, Hayashi-san laughed softly.


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