Jinsei Gyakuten Chapter 189 Manager and Hayashi-san Zeus Web Novel Translations

Manager and Hayashi-san

Manager Tachibana’s PoV

I can’t accept this!

I am the chosen one. I didn’t screw up like Kondo-kun, and I can still do something. I have to do something.

Even the message that was leaked earlier can’t be the final proof. On that level, I can only say that it was a joke. I can say that I didn’t think Kondo-kun or the soccer team would actually bully him.

“There she is!”

I found the prey I was looking for. It’s already after school. I thought she was going home with more than one person to prevent bullying….

She happened to be alone. Now is my chance. The only way to reverse the situation is to use her.


I dare to be friendly and call out loudly. Several students involuntarily turned their heads.

She flipped out and shook her shoulders.

“Tachibana, Manager?”

That made the students pay more attention to Hayashi-san. This is my chance.

“Please help me. The Literature Club is about to be accused of bullying by the school.”

She looked like she was going to cry. But I thought this was my chance.


She’s shaking like a little animal, so I’m sure she’ll cooperate easily.

“Please. I think your testimony as an outsider the club would be objective evidence. The school makes it sound like I’m the mastermind behind Eiji-kun’s bullying. They also suspect us of being responsible for the disappearance of Eiji-kun’s personal belongings.”

When I gave instructions to the club members, she turned blue, but she didn’t stop me. She wasn’t involved, but she must have felt guilty. So I used that guilt to my advantage.

I continued in a whisper. So that only she could hear.

“Do you understand? You didn’t stop us, and you’re just as guilty. Maybe the school will punish you too. Then stay with us. Then you won’t make things worse.”

I patted her side. “Just grow up!” I said lightly, and she had tears in her eyes.

Convinced of my victory, I raise my voice like an actor, asserting my righteousness to the crowd.

“Please, I know it’s scary to stand up against the school. The school is trying to make us look bad in order to end this matter quickly so that it doesn’t affect their own reputations. Please, please help us.”

Act as if you are the weak and the victim. That will get you sympathy.

You see, in this world, it doesn’t matter whether the truth is true or not. It’s about whether others can prepare a truth that they believe to be true.

Now go and testify to our innocence in front of the public, Hayashi-san… Just a weak and cute little animal student like you defending us is enough to make people lean our way. Come on, I will use you as much as I can. Say it, declare our victory.


“What’s wrong? I can’t hear you. Your voice is too low.”

As I pushed her, she cried louder. She started to shed big tears.

“I can’t do that. Because, because… I saw Manager Tachibana-san instructing the members of the Literature Club to bully Aono Eiji-senpai by disposing of his personal belongings and manuscripts!”

The sympathetic mood I had gained earlier was immediately shattered.

Cold looks flew in my direction.

“What are you talking about?”

When I gave her a look that implied you were equally guilty, she shook her head in disgust.

“I can’t lie anymore. I don’t want to. I don’t want to be dirty like you. I don’t want to betray Aono-senpai, whom I respect.”

After I couldn’t control my bloodlust, blood suddenly rushed to my head.

I slapped her.


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