Chapter 187 Manager Tachibana Dances on Iron Shoes

Zeus EM,

Manager Tachibana Dances on Iron Shoes

Takayanagi’s PoV

After receiving Mitsuda-kun’s report, we raided the Literature Club.

I already know most of the story. That settles it. The fruitless discussion is over, Tachibana-san.

“No, no, no, it wasn’t my fault. I was deceived by Matsuda-san and Mitsuda-kun. I know nothing about it. I just got caught up in it.”

Tachibana, who was crying like this, resisted quite a bit.

Matsuda, who was standing next to her, was stunned and asked,

“What are you saying, manager?”

It reminded me of Snow White in the Grimm fairy tale. The stepmother who bullied Snow White is finally exposed for all her wickedness and is executed by the prince; wearing her red-hot iron shoes while she dances.

Her unsightly appearance was just like that of Snow White’s stepmother.

After such an abomination, Matsuda would fall so easily now.

Tachibana is incapable of realizing that this last gasp is the end of her.

“For now, let’s calm down and talk. Tachibana-san in the consultation room. Matsuda-san in the infirmary.”

I’ll take care of you, Tachibana…

Student Counseling Room

“Let me get straight to the point. The attempted attack on Ikenobu Eri this time. And the one who took the leading role in bullying Aono-kun was Tachibana-san. It was you, wasn’t it?”

Tachibana was still angry, but she was calmer than before.

“No, it wasn’t me. It was Matsuda-san who was out of control. The reason was that the school was pushing her too hard. Her behavior and words have been very strange lately. Ever since the school started to suspect the Literature Club of the bullying problem.”

I see, so that’s your excuse.

“Then what about the case of Aono-kun’s missing manuscript?”

“I told you many times that I had nothing to do with it. But… Now that I think about it, there were two suspicious people at the club.”


“The first is Hayashi-san, a first-year student. She stopped coming to club activities right after Eiji-kun’s bullying problem became public. Suspicious, isn’t it?”


That’s a very selfish argument that leaves me speechless.

But she must have been under the mistaken impression that her argument would not be refuted. She regains her confidence and continues to present her own theory.

“The second person is Matsuda-san. As I mentioned earlier, her behavior and mental state deteriorated when the school began its investigation. Given this, it is possible that she was a traitor to the Literature Club. Because I’m sure that if there were no collaborators on the inside, Eiji-kun’s manuscript couldn’t possibly have been taken away.”

She must have thought of all sorts of things to try to close the case of Aono-kun’s lost manuscript as well.

Really, it was so black and calculated. And it is also an excuse that is improvised but hard to refute. However, it’s effective when we are not prepared for it. But… when we are at the stage where we have done most of the research, it’s just a child’s vain excuse.

“So, what do you think of Mitsuda-kun’s statement?”

“He had a grudge against Kondo-kun. So I think he wanted to bring me and Matsuda-san, who were good friends of his, down. He also said earlier that he didn’t consider his fellow members of the soccer club to be his friends. Can you really trust his testimony that he even betrayed his friends?”

Yes, that’s really a big move.

“Yes, I understand exactly what Tachibana-san is trying to say.”

“That’s right. If you doubt me, please bring me solid evidence. Otherwise, I will be a victim of the same crime as Eiji-kun. If you continue to doubt me, I will be forced to take appropriate defensive measures.”

Under the illusion that your position has become superior, you launched a counterattack and even tried to intimidate the school huh.

But this is the situation we have been waiting for.

When a defender goes on the offensive, his or her vigilance is at its lowest. They will easily create gaps. If you counterattack from a place they are not expecting, they will collapse immediately.

“So how would you refute this message exchange? The police gave it to me earlier. Apparently, they were able to recover the data on Kondo-kun’s phone. It seems to be part of the SNS message exchange between you and him as well?”

Hearing these words, her complexion turned pale as she looked at me.

She muttered in a low voice “a lie” and trembled as if she was dancing her last dance. Once again, the offense and defense were completely reversed…


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