Jinsei Gyakuten Chapter 28 A Caring Junior and Scumbag Humiliation Zeus Translations

A Caring Junior and Scumbag Humiliation

As we enjoyed pancakes, we opened up about ourselves. In that moment, it felt like we had known each other for much longer than just a day. However, despite our closeness, we still had much to learn about each other, and our relationship remained in a state of uncertainty.

I was aware that Ichijo-san had some family issues, so I avoided bringing up the topic. As we continued to converse, we gradually uncovered more about each other’s interests and experiences during our junior high school years. I learned that Ichijo-san had attended a private junior high school in Tokyo and had a particular reason for not attending an affiliated high school. However, she appeared hesitant to divulge the details, leading me to suspect that it had something to do with her family.

Consequently, I refrained from asking any further questions. Nevertheless, given Ichijo-san’s academic excellence, I doubted that she had encountered any issues such as poor grades or delinquent behavior.

“The reason why I didn’t go to an affiliated school was because of family reasons.”

I couldn’t continue speaking when I saw Ichijo-san laughing and looking worried.

However, my conversation was quite lively. I grew up in my hometown and went to a local school. Therefore, I had many interesting stories to share.

I told her about the time when I found a miser who was stealing money at a nearby shrine and reported him. I also shared my experience of becoming friends with Satoshi, who saved me at that time. However, reminiscing about the old times made me feel a little sad as it reminded me of Miyuki’s absence. Miyuki should have been there, but I had erased her presence so that I wouldn’t have to talk about her.


The junior turned to me with a smile that resembled that of a holy mother while taking a sip of her apple tea.


“It’s okay. If you find it hard, it’s okay to admit that it is hard. I’m not fully aware of what’s going on, but I have an idea. If you were a normal person, you wouldn’t be able to recover from such a difficult situation. You are strong, but if you are too strong, people will break one day. So please talk to me before you reach your breaking point.”

She rubbed her left hand against my back sympathetically.

“Why do you trust me, Ichijo-san?”

“Yesterday, it was because I don’t believe in rumors that I don’t understand. But today, it’s different. After spending just one day with you, I realized that you are not the kind of person who would act on rumors. You care about others more than yourself and are willing to make sacrifices for them. This is a wonderful quality, but I cannot allow you to be hurt by the malice of others. If you suffer, I’ll be with you,” she replied.

I decided to take advantage of her kindness and said,

“Thank you, as always.”

She laughed softly and said,

“Always? This is only our second day together, tho.”

We both laughed at that. And the time passed quickly.

“Senpai, I’m very sorry, but I’ve had too many snacks today, and I’m afraid we’ll have to save the oyster fries for later. I’ll let your mother know,” she said apologetically.

“Okay, let’s leave that aside for now, but by the way, when did you exchange contact with my mom, and are you okay?”

“Hehe, it’s a secret. Yeah, I’m fine. I guess it’s about time. I’m sorry, Senpai, I have to go home.”

That’s how our first ‘date’ ended.

Ai’s PoV

After leaving him, as I got into the car that was sent to pick me up, I reflected on the happy times we had spent together.

When I met him at the school gate, I noticed a determined look on his face, and I immediately knew that he had made up his mind to talk to his mothers.

I envied the strength of trust between Senpai and his family, which allowed them to make a difficult decision so easily. Unlike them, I had no assurance that my family would always be there for me.

The words I spoke earlier were not just meant for him but also for myself.

I realized that if Senpai had not been there for me that day on the rooftop, I would have completely broken down.

“Thank you for everything,” he told me. But I was the one who should have thanked him.

He found me when I was on the brink of being ruined, and he saved me from a terrible fate.

Kondo’s PoV

Hmm, so this is the level of a college student. Just so you know, I have been practicing with the second team, but to be honest, there is no one to challenge me. Today, I’m doing great, but it’s getting boring. My passes are brilliant, but unfortunately, the untalented forwards keep missing them.

“Hey, guys, don’t let that high school kid beat you to a pulp!” shouted the second-team coach.

The captain of the second team was on the verge of collapsing in frustration. It was satisfying to see those who lack confidence in the face of overwhelming talent. I’m confident that I will make the first team once I get the opportunity.

“Damn, I can’t let him get carried away here. Hey, Goda. Come over here. Mark that high schooler,” said the first team captain, calling up a first-team defensive midfielder who was a little shorter than me.

However, there must be a better opponent out there, right? If I can beat this guy, I should be able to be one of the top players in the college soccer world. That’s cool.

Soon, a pass came my way, and a senior player named Goda was marking me as well.

I thought I could get past him, but just as I was about to take him out with my feet, my body hit something solid, and I was sent flying.


I let out a strange voice and landed on the ground with grass in my mouth.

“Hey, are you okay?” It was Goda’s voice. For a moment, I even felt fear in my strong and tough body that was knocked down by my slight bump.

It was just a coincidence that I bumped into him. He can’t be that far away. I am destined to be the king of soccer in this country in the future!

One hour later…

I was completely outmatched by him. I can’t believe how much better he was than me.

Even when I attempted to dribble past him, he easily took the ball away.

Even when I tried to pass the ball, he anticipated my moves and intercepted every pass.

Before, I felt like a hero playing against lower-level opponents, but now I’m just a laughingstock.

To cool off, I went back to the bench and took a sip of Spodori.

I’m fine, just feeling a little unwell today. If I play seriously against that guy, he’ll …

“Hey, Coach. Are you serious about recruiting that high school kid?” I overheard Goda and the coach talking near the bench.

“Yeah, that’s the plan, but how did it go?” the coach asked.

“You shouldn’t bother. That guy is just the king of the high school level. He’s not physically strong, not athletic, and he gives up easily when he loses the ball. He’s like an outdated product. He’s just a misunderstood ace, and he’ll end up being a second-string player pretending to be a king when he’s at home. He’s not talented at all,” Goda replied.

All I could do was stare at the plastic bottle I had grabbed earlier, and before I knew it, it had rolled onto the floor.


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